Friday, December 11, 2009
Ben “Odds and Jobs” – Thursday 10th December.
Spent the first thing this morning in a design meeting with Chris, discussing another project E-creation is running.
I have been working on a press release and learnt about focusing on the 5 W’s of journalism when writing an article: The “Who, What, Where, When, Why and How?” in no particular order.
This is to get a reader’s attention. To do this you have to write the article in a concise and interesting manner. In the hope that the journalist will choose to publish yours over the hundreds of others they receive everyday from companies.
It is imperative you make the first paragraph really count and provide a summary of the article. For some useful advice on writing a press release check out:
Being printed in a newspaper is beneficial for a company as it gets the message out about their products to people besides using direct advertising. Once I was happy with my draught I sent it to Laura-Jayne a journalist, so that she could provide me with some feedback on what I had written.
I heard back from Universal Music with regards to obtaining the rights for galvanize for the online marketing presentation. The cost for doing so was £1750. This is prohibitively expensive considering the site is unlikely to have more than a 100 hits a month. I think this time round E-creation will be leaving that one.
Monday, December 7, 2009
JP - Tired, annoyed about not being shortlisted, Flash 3D challenges and super cool 'bling' Facebook goes live - XTM International, Slough Council

Friday, December 4, 2009
Ben “Munkying around” – Looking into T-shirt manufacturers.

Today I went with Jan to investigate the viability of manufacturing customised t-shirts for one of our clients. We visited Munky UK, a custom T-shirt maker based in Southampton.
They use a special vinyl which is cut with to a design using the digital vinyl cutter. They can produce personalised designs. The vinyl is weeded; they pick out what is unnecessary from the design. This is then heat pressed onto a t-shirt.
The vinyl is very flexible it comes in a variety of colours and textures including flock, which has a velour like texture. It is very durable and will most likely outlast the life of the t-shirt.
We left with some prototype designs. It was not exactly what we were looking for but it produced some useful ideas.
Check them out at
Got back to the office and had a conference call with a client. I did some test shots of the T-shirts to see how they might look online and dealt with some emails. I packaged the t-shirts up and took them off to be posted to the client, so could see what they looked like.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Ben “Teleconferencing ...” – Follow up session for client
We conducted a skype conference call with the client, George and Jan-Erik about the initial design session from Monday morning.
The two concepts of Mr Men and Push the button were discussed for the hour. The challenges faced were trying to get the client to commit to a particular path. Certain difficulties arose as they were not entirely clear what they wished to say from a marketing perspective. As a development Simon a copywriter, at E-creation has been brought in to help clarify the marketing message. Copywriting is the use of words to promote a person, business, opinion or idea.
After the meeting had finished, I quickly typed up the notes and ideas that had been discussed and sent them to everyone involved.
I left at lunchtime as I had to go to the Dentist for a filling. Oh what a joyous afternoon that was.
UPDATE: Both the above ideas were scrapped and the concept has moved on again. This is how the design process evolves.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Ben “SYMBOLS” – Looking into trademarks and design rights

I followed up on the EMI music rights for the galvanize track. I was told in an email that EMI music rights do not hold the copyright but UNIVERSAL music rights do. The wild goose chase begins. Hopefully I will get the golden egg at the end of all this!
The majority of my time today was involved with researching the use of trademarks and design rights on the Intellectual Property Office website available at
It appears that trademarks are distinctive symbols for goods and services. It is recognisable as a sign that differentiates goods or service as different from another company’s. I think is important to know they are not registrable if they:
• describe goods or services or any characteristics of them, for example, marks which show the quality, quantity, purpose, value or geographical origin of goods or services
• have become customary in the line of trade
• are not distinctive
• are three dimensional shapes - the shape is typical of the goods you are interested in (or part of them), has a function or adds value to the goods
• are specially protected emblems
• are offensive
It costs £200 to register a trademark and this is valid for 10 years.
Check out the ‘spot the trademark game’ if you have some free time at
As an aside, it is interesting to note that the term ‘Hoover’ is now both a noun and trademark used to classify the company that makes vacuum cleaners and also a verb, according to the Cambridge online dictionary ( Nowadays, Hoover has lost the exclusive right to use it solely as a brand name.
This illustrates how we can use a trademark term to say other things for example ‘have you googled him?’ to ask have you searched him on the internet/ to use a search engine. Google is not at all happy about this debranding of their name to describe general actions and has called in the language police. For further information see
Design Rights take two forms. Firstly a registered design gives stronger protection and involves applying to the Intellectual Property Office. Unregistered Design Rights gives weaker but automatic protection without the need to register the design.
A registered design is a legal right which protects the overall visual appearance of a product. To be registrable, a design must:
• be new
• have individual character.
Individual character means that the appearance of the design (known as the overall impression) is different from the appearance of other established designs.
It costs £60 per design right application and this lasts for 5 years and then it will need to be renewed.
I hope this brief summary has proved useful, for further information look at the Intellectual Property Office website available at
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Ben “Gettin in the press” BERLINGUAL PRESS RELEASE notes

I have been asked to work on press release for the Berlingual project. As part of this I need to obtain a project quote from Leo Waters, MD of Berlingual. Berlingual is a Berlin based English language training company. Check out their website
The press release will focus on the unique characteristics within the company’s logo, stationary and website. It is interesting to see how many different routes there are for E-creation to raise its profile using the internet, blogs such as this, and the press.
Along with these tasks is the usual constant assault of phone calls and e-mails to deal with. Modern day living at its multi- tasking best!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Ben “Tracking down the brothers” – Research into obtaining music rights for a marketing website.
My main task for the afternoon was investigating feasibility and cost for using the track galvanize by the Chemical Brothers for the multimedia marketing website. With so many small jobs consistently popping up, good organisation and the need for prioritisation really is a must.
Things are never as simple as they first appear. Firstly, I had to research which record label the Chemical Brothers are currently signed to. I found the answer to be Virgin Records USA. However, this is not the same Virgin Records as owned by the Virgin Business Empire and Richard Branson. I found out that EMI actually owns Virgin Records. I then rang up the London EMI copyright office and found out whom I needed to speak too.
I sent a form with details of the track, its usage and the nature of our business. I am still waiting to hear back on the cost for usage rights.
JP - Back to basics, sorting out the business cards - E-creation JP - Cool & clever business cards can seriously help businesses be more succesful

Ben “The Day begins ...” – First creative design session for new client
Monday 23rd November was my first day working with Jan-Erik. We started with the plan of action for the day and an overview of the many projects that E-creation is currently operating.
At the Enterprise Pavilion in Wallisdown we had a meeting with George, one of the creative designers who works with E-creation. In the creative session, possible creative treatments and ideas for an online marketing project were bounced around.
Jan-Erik took the initial brief on Friday, so the project is moving along very quickly.
The challenge faced was how to communicate ‘fixing marketing chaos’ within 90 seconds online, to a company CEO or marketing director. Two main ideas resonated from the 2 hour brainstorming meeting:
- Mr Men style characters
- Push the Button
Both directions have created unique design challenges for the design team to resolve and business problems that I have been asked to look into. For Mr. Men, we needed to establish the legal position of using a similar design style, without infringing the Roger Hargreaves copyright, which is owned by Chorion Limited, check out the website
For the ‘Push the Button’ concept, it was suggested to use of the track ‘Galvanize’ by the Chemical Brothers, as it uses the phrase ‘Push the button’. Check it out now on Youtube
Monday, November 23, 2009
Ben "Who is he?” - My introduction to E-creation

Hello, my name is Benjamin. E-creation has taken me on as a Marketing and Operations Assistant.
I am 23 years of age and have grown up in the lovely part of the country that is Bournemouth. I graduated last year with a degree in International Relations and Philosophy from the University of Sussex. I also lived in Miami, Florida for a time while taking part in a study abroad scheme at the University of Miami.
I have recently returned home from nine months travelling round the world and ‘living the dream’.
I was fortunate enough to visit America, Fiji, New Zealand, Australia and Hong Kong, which was an amazing experience. I have had many memorable experiences but those which stand out include learning the ‘HAKA’ war dance with a Maori family in New Zealand and bearing witness to the changing colours of Uluru (Ayer’s rock) as the sun came up one morning. Both were very primordial and life affirming experiences.
E-creation has provided me with a fantastic opportunity to see inside a digital marketing company – and the other businesses that are launched regularly. This seems to be in line with the current trend of advertising agencies launching their own branded products to supplement their traditional fee based business models. For example BBH agency has set up ZAG to create and market novel goods such as a women’s’ personal alarm (TIME magazine: 30/11/2009 p 52) having it both ways. The article is also available online at,9171,1940547,00.html.
I do hope that you will come back regularly to check how I am getting on and my journey with E-creation.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
JP - Seminar by Design Council

Friday, November 13, 2009
Leon - XTM International Design Sketches

Thursday, November 12, 2009
JP - Amazing Halloween Costume Idea - Random
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Leon - XTM International - Animation stuff in progress - XTM International

It also resembles the client's liking for the stuff we did for SolStonePlus loast year, though I think this will kick it's butt if developed and agreed by the client, so ignore the colours and detail, just look through to the idea I explain below...
Imagine a transparent cube containing all the titles/illustrations we needed for the site/brand ... now imagine travelling around it in 4 dimensions, as though we were following the translation data. Well, perhaps the following video is a better way to explain the concept!
Monday, November 9, 2009
JP - Completion of - Berlingual

Monday, November 2, 2009
Jan-Erik - Presentation of Logo Concepts Phase 1 - XTM International

Friday, October 30, 2009
Jan-Erik - Off topic - mixes done for the team

- Kids (Soulwax Remix) - MGMT
- New In Town (Drop The Lime Dub) - Little Boots
- Blau - Laidback Luke & Lee Mortimer
- Hype (Dre Skull Remix) - Dre Skull & Juiceboxxx
Leon - XTM International - Conceptual work on Brand/Logo - XTM International

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Jan-Erik - Font exploration - XTM International

Leon and I had a discussion on the potential font directions. I think Leon is still pretty badly under the weather with his cold but hanging in there like a trouper!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Leon - Conceptual work on Brand/Logo - XTM International

So by this Friday, we need to supply our client with concepts for brand/logo/stationery... I'm continuing to explore the essence of what XTM is about, and how to visualise it for the brand. I'm planning to submit around 4-5 solid and reasoned directions (normally, this might be 2-3, however, I think this brief is rich with many potential outcomes, and want to explore as much as possible).
Monday, October 26, 2009
Jan-Erik - Content discussion - XTM International
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Leon - Initial investigations started - XTM International
Urgh! Feeling terrible as I have a cold, really got to me on Saturday, but feeling more functional today. Started initial brief familiarisation work, eager to get up and running before Monday. With knowledge gained from Friday's meeting, I read up on the finer details of what XTM International do, and the various components of their software products. Some interesting keywords/phrases came up such as 'Engine' – suggesting the core workhorse, 'Translation Environment' – suggesting the complete nature of the software suite, and 'Translation Memory' – a key part of the way the software works. Started an initial investigation of potential typefaces for the logo.
Looking at a variety of fonts that may capture the essence of the company, and what they do. Also looking for typeface designs that may hold inherent clues for a relevant logo 'idea'. Awaiting competitor info from client, and also feedback from their own customers as to what they think of them.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Leon - Briefing meeting - XTM International

Travelled to beautiful Gerrards Cross, for my initial meeting with our client. I myself met Bob and Elliot for the first time - really nice guys! Jan-Erik, who also attended today, had met them before. We went through Jan's meeting agenda, covered various items such as scope of work, requirements from client, schedule, agreed content ideas, went through briefing questions and discussed our brand perception map. We also went through the current brand and website design, to identify reason, and any points of value to consider. It very much looks like we have a clean slate to work with – yey! Seemed like a long day as travel alone was over 5 hours in total, but well worth it for me to meet our clients face to face.